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Monday, December 22, 2008

A Grand (Rapids) Christmas

A Grand (Rapids) Christmas is a compilation album featuring 13 local musicians including Karisa Wilson, Dean Windemuller, Justin VanHaven of Summer and Starlight, Zach Vinson, and Justin Stover arranging their own renditions of holiday songs. The album will be for sale for $5 starting December 5 and can be found at all three Schuler Books & Music stores and at The Sparrows Coffee Tea & Newsstand. 100% of the money made will go directly to the Angel Tree and Red Kettle programs of the Grand Rapids Salvation Army.

Good King Wenceslas - Justin Stover
Winter Wonderland - Bryce Buffenbarger
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Mat Churchill feat. Kelsey Buffenbarger
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day - Zach Vinson
O Come All Ye Faithful - Dean Wiers-Windemuller
River - Justin VanHaven of Summer and Starlight
Christmastime Is Here - Rob Froh & Matt Southern
The Friendly Beasts - Dan Fisher
Great Big Present - Karisa Wilson
O Holy Night - Ben Robertson
I Saw Three Ships - Ben Abney
White Christmas - Kelsey Buffenbarger
Silent Night - Beky Noggle feat. Rachel Bachman
Album art by Drew Melton - http://yourjustlucky.com

The cd has officially been released! Check out any Schuler Books & Music locations (28th St, Alpine, and downtown) or The Sparrows to pick up your copy!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Jack Conte - YouTube Artist

If you know me, than you know I'm a big Radiohead fan. You also probably know that I like listening to a good quality cover song. Sure, it requires sifting through a lot of god-awful music (some of it I don't know if you can even call music) but when you stumble across stuff like Jack Conte's version of 'The National Anthem', it all seems worth it.

After you get done having a listen to that maybe you'll decide to check out some of his original tunes.

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